Mr Sam Singh

Consultant Foot & Ankle Surgeon, FRCS (Trauma & Orthopaedics)

GMC membership number: 4216429

Private Practice:


English, Hindi, Urdu

Next available consultation with Mr Sam Singh:

1 July

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Profile picture of Mr Sam Singh


Mr Sam Singh was the lead Foot and Ankle Consultant at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust for 16 years. He is a compassionate and prolific surgeon who works closely with a team of nurses and physiotherapists to deliver some of the best outcomes from surgery in the country.

Special Interests

Foot and ankle surgery, bunion surgery, ankle arthroscopy, minimally invasive foot surgery

Procedures Offered

Bunion removal surgery, ankle arthroscopy, achilles tendon reconstruction, big toe fusion surgery, steroid injection, claw toe, mallet toe and hammertoe corrections, ankle joint fusion, cheilectomy, excision of Morton's neuromas

Conditions Treated

Morton's neuroma, bunions, achilles disorders, plantar fasciitis, hammertoe, claw toe, mallet toe, ankle osteoarthritis, ankle sports injuries and more

Training & Fellowships

Cambridge University 1995 (MA), Fellowship in Foot and Ankle Surgery, Harvard

NHS Practice

Last NHS practice: Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust


What people are saying...

Peer Review

An excellent foot and ankle surgeon

- Mr Sam Rajaratnam

Patient Review

Thank you Dr Singh for looking after me last year. After a double bunionectomy I was walking confidently in 2 weeks and my progress since then has been fantastic. Thank you. Mary

- Mary

Care Packages